Order & Payment Related

How can I cancel/edit my order?

You can cancel or edit your order anytime before the order is shipped. You can do this from your order page. Sign In to your account and find the Edit/Cancel button against the order.

Sign In With Phone | Sign In With Email


What's the status of my order?

To see your order status, log in to your account.
If the fulfilment status on the table is unfulfilled, then we're still preparing your order for dispatch. It generally, takes 24-48 working hours to dispatch your order.

If the fulfilment status is partial, then we've partially dispatched a few items of your order. Items that are dispatched will have a tracking number & link against them. The remaining items without any tracking numbers are still being prepared for dispatch.

If the fulfilment status is fulfilled, then we've already shipped your items. You can track your shipment by clicking on the "Order ID" or clicking on Track Shipment from the menu bar.


Cash on delivery or Payment on delivery is available?

Cash on delivery is available for all items.

Availability of Card Payment on delivery is subject to local conditions. It may or may not be available at the time of delivery. We suggest keeping the cash ready in hand.

Amount has been debited but, I haven't received the order confirmation message.

If the amount is debited from your account but, you haven't received an order confirmation from us then the transaction has failed. You should get a refund within 72 hours. Place an order again.

 Even after 72 hours if you don't receive a refund, then reach out to us.

We're here to help you :)